temporaryworlds Apr 04, 2013 18:54
fantasy, five stars, year published: 2008, brandon sanderson, mistborn
temporaryworlds Jan 28, 2013 18:00
year published: 2008, ann aguirre, sirantha jax, three and a half stars, science fiction
temporaryworlds Dec 14, 2012 18:00
fantasy, four and a half stars, dragon slippers, dragons, young adult, year published: 2008, jessica day george
temporaryworlds Oct 29, 2012 18:00
bill willingham, four and a half stars, year published: 2008, fables, fairy tales, mark buckingham, graphic novels
temporaryworlds Oct 23, 2012 18:00
bill willingham, five stars, year published: 2008, fables, fairy tales, mark buckingham, graphic novels
temporaryworlds Oct 11, 2012 18:00
temporaryworlds Oct 09, 2012 18:00
fantasy, ebook, year published: 2008, four stars, justine larbalestier, faeries, science fiction
temporaryworlds Aug 24, 2012 09:20
fantasy, ebook, four and a half stars, young adult, year published: 2008, fairy tales, jessica day george
temporaryworlds Jul 01, 2012 10:01
sarah dessen, four and a half stars, young adult, year published: 2008, fiction
temporaryworlds Apr 16, 2012 21:38
three stars, susanne dunlap, young adult, year published: 2008, historical fiction